Born from the darkest depths of the Dark Multiverse, the Batman Who Laughs is a monstrous fusion of the Batman and The Joker from Earth-22. Created when nanotoxins from The Joker's heart corrupt the Dark Knight's mind and merge it with the twisted psyche of the Clown Prince of Crime. Now he is unleashed into the world of Mortal Kombat, where he will stop at nothing to claim victory and dominance over all Kombatants.
McFarlane Toys brings this terrifying figure to life with incredible detail and 7" scale, based on his look from Mortal Kombat 11. With Ultra Articulation and up to 22 moving parts, this figure allows for a full range of posing and play. The set includes a curved blade accessory and a base, as well as showcased in Mortal Kombat themed window box packaging. Add the Batman Who Laughs to your collection and complete your Mortal Kombat collection. Beware, for he is the embodiment of chaos and destruction, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction in the Kombat arena.
Proudly brought to you by Mcfarlane Toys and Superhero Toystore, India's largest and most comprehensive online store for official DC Comics Action Figures, Statues, and other Pop-culture merch!